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收藏本公司 人气:1655556
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- 传真:021-51870910
- E-mail:dengchao@shhangou.com
with more than 60 years of experience in the transformer industry, Marcus not only excelled in quality of product and customer service, but also proved to be a leader in innovative technology, customer care and reliability. We remain dedicated to the highest level of service and quality at competitive prices. Read more about Marcus quality here (add link).
MS - Single Phase
MT - Three Phase
MK - Three Phase K-Factor
MKS - Single Phase K-Factor
MDI - Three Phase Drive Isolation
MSWP - Single Phase Outdoor
MTWP - Three Phase Outdoor
MTWP-SCR - Three Phase Outdoor Enhanced
RES - Single Phase Epoxy Encapsulated
RET - Three Phase Epoxy Encapsulated
MTWPCD - Three Phase Outdoor Ventilated
MTZ- Marcus Harmonic Mitigating (Harmonic Sweeper)
Where to use Harmonic Sweeper? (stand alone or in parallel with Marcus MT models)
MS – Single Phase
MT – Three Phase
MK – Three Phase K-Factor
MKS – Single Phase K-Factor
MDI – Three Phase Drive Isolation
MSWP – Single Phase Outdoor
MTWP – Three Phase Outdoor
MTWP – Three Phase Outdoor Enhanced
RES – Single Phase Epoxy Encapsulated
RET – Three Phase Epoxy Encapsulated
MTZ- Marcus Harmonic Mitigating (Harmonic Sweeper)
MTD – Double Harmonic Mitigating
MS-CC Single Phase Open Type Core & Coil
MT-CC – Three Phase Open Type Core & Coil
Marcus Supreme ? MHE – Marcus Supreme ? High Efficiency
EUR-EX – Euro Export-Ready Transformers
MC – Single Phase Closed Type
MO – Single Phase Open Style
MTB – Single Phase Open Style (fuse block use)
MTS – Open Type Finger Safe
TPO – Three Phase Open Type
TPC – Three Phase Closed Type
AC&AS – Single Phase Auto Closed Type
MOL – Open Type With Leads
MC – Buck/Boost Wiring
TPOA – Three Phase Auto Open Type
TPCA – Three Phase Control Autotransformers
MEC – Single Phase Epoxy Encapsulated Control
MET – Compact Solid State Electronic Transformers
EPC – Euro 50/60HZ Control Multiple Tap Open Type
L.E.D Transformers
EPO – Euro 50/60HZ Control Mulitiple Tap Closed Type
MAT – Three Phase Auto Wound
MATS – Single Phase Auto Wound
RET-MAT – Three Phase Auto Wound Epoxy Encapsulate
MLR – Line Reactor Open Type
MLRC – Line Reactor Closed Type
UV filtering lights
Electronic ballast lighting
MTD - Double Harmonic Mitigating
MS-CC Single Phase Open Type Core & Coil
Designed for installation within cabinets where no additional individual enclosure is required. Suitable for feeding MCC's and switchgear where space is at a premium.
MT-CC - Three Phase Open Type Core & Coil
Designed for installation within cabinets where no additional individual enclosure is required. Suitable for feeding MCC's and switchgear where space is at a premium.
EUR-EX - Euro Export-Ready Transformers
MO - Single Phase Open Style
MC - Single Phase Closed Type
MOS- Single Phase Fusible Open Type w/ Fuseblock Premounted
MTB - Single Phase Open Style (fuse block use)
MTS - Open Type Finger Safe
TPO - Three Phase Open Type
TPC - Three Phase Closed Type
MOL - Open Type With Leads
Sound Level: :Less than 40 dB
TPOA - Three Phase Auto Open Type
ons up to 3KVA.
MC - Buck/Boost Wiring
TPCA - Three Phase Control Autotransformers
MEC - Single Phase Epoxy Encapsulated Control
MET - Compact Solid State Electronic Transformers
Model:MET-60 Input: 120V / Output: 11.5v
Model: MET-75-1
Model: ET-150-12-1
MAT - Three Phase Auto Wound
MATS - Single Phase Auto Wound
RET-MAT - Three Phase Auto Wound Epoxy Encapsulate
MLR - Line Reactor Open Type
MLRC - Line Reactor Closed Type
EPC - Euro 50/60HZ Control Multiple Tap Open Type
EPO - Euro 50/60HZ Control Mulitiple Tap Closed Type
KVA AMPS @ 208V AMPS @ 380V AMPS @ 400V 60HZ 50HZ
3 8.3 4.6 4.3 MT3H6-20 MT3H6-20-EUR
6 16.6 9.2 8.7 MT6H6-20 MT6H6-20-EUR
10 28.0 15.2 14.5 MT10H6-20 MT10H6-20-EUR
15 41.6 22.8 21.7 MT15H6-20 MT15H6-20-EUR
30 83.3 45.6 43.4 MT30H6-20 MT30H6-20-EUR
45 125.0 68.5 65.0 MT45H6-20 MT45H6-20-EUR
50 139.0 76.0 72.3 MT50H6-2
75 208.0 114.0 108.4 MT75H6-20 MT75H6-20-EUR
112.5 312.0 171.1 162.6 MT112.5H6-20 MT112.5H6-20-EUR
150 416.0 228.2 216.8 MT150H6-20 MT150H6-20-EUR
240 Volt Euro Export-Ready Transformers
240 volt input and 380 volt or 400 volt output
3 Phase in Either 60Hz or 50Hz
Nema1 Enclosure
KVA AMPS @ 240V AMPS @ 380V AMPS @ 400V 60HZ 50HZ
3 7.2 4.6 4.3 MT3G6-20 MT3G6-20-EUR
6 14.4 9.2 8.7 MT6G6-20 MT6G6-20-EUR
10 24.0 15.2 14.5 MT10G6-20 MT10G6-20-EUR
15 36.1 22.8 21.7 MT15G15-20 MT15G6-20-EUR
30 72.3 45.6 43.4 MT30G6-20 MT30G6-20-EUR
45 108.0 68.5 65.0 MT45G6-20 MT45G6-20-EUR
50 120.4 76.0 72.3 MT50G6-20 MT50G6-20-EUR
75 181.0 114.0 108.4 MT75G6-20 MT75G6-20-EUR
112.5 272.0 171.1 162.6 MT112.5G6-20 MT112.5G6-20-EUR
150 360.0 228.2 216.8 MT150G6-20 MT150G6-20-EUR
480 volt Euro Export-Ready Transformers
480 volt input and 380 volt or 400 volt output
3 phase in either 60Hz or 50Hz
Nema1 Enclosed
KVA AMPS @ 480V AMPS @ 380V AMPS @ 400V 60HZ 50HZ
3 3.6 4.6 4.3 MT3B6-20 MT3B6-20-EUR
6 7.2 9.2 8.7 MT6B6-20 MT6B6-20-EUR
10 12.0 15.2 14.5 MT10B6-20 MT10B6-20-EUR
15 18.1 22.8 21.7 MT15B6-20 MT15B6-20-EUR
30 36.1 45.6 43.4 MT30B6-20 MT30B6-20-EUR
45 54.0 68.5 65.0 MT45B6-20 MT45B6-20-EUR
50 60.2 76.0 72.3 MT50B6-20 MT50B6-20-EUR
75 90.5 114.0 108.4 MT75B6-20 MT75B6-20-EUR
112.5 136.0 171.1 162.6 MT112.5B6-20 MT112.5B6-20-EUR
150 180.0 228.2 216.8 MT150B6-20 MT150B6-20-EUR
600 volt or 575 volt Euro Export-Ready Transformer
600 volt or 575 volt input and 380 volt or 400 volt output
3 phase in either 60Hz or 50Hz
Nema1 Enclosed
KVA AMPS @ 600V AMPS @ 575V AMPS @ 380V AMPS @ 400V 60HZ 50HZ
3 2.9 3.1 4.6 4.3 MT3AO6-20 MT3AO6-20-EUR
6 5.8 6.0 9.2 8.7 MT6AO6-20 MT6AO6-20-EUR
10 9.6 10.1 15.2 14.5 MT10AO6-20 MT10AO6-20-EUR
15 14.4 15.1 22.8 21.7 MT15AO6-20 MT15AO6-20-EUR
30 28.9 30.2 45.6 43.4 MT30AO6-20 MT30AO6-20-EUR
45 43.2 45.2 68.5 65.0 MT45AO6-20 MT45AO6-20-EUR
50 48.2 50.3 76.0 72.3 MT50AO6-20 MT50AO6-20-EUR
75 72.1 75.4 114.0 108.4 MT75AO6-20 MT75AO6-20-EUR
112.5 108.0 113.1 171.1 162.6 MT112.5AO6-20 MT112.5AO6-20-EUR
150 144.0 150.8 228.2 216.8 MT150AO6-20 MT150AO6-20-EUR
208 volt, 240 volt, 480 volt Euro Export-Ready Transformer
208v, 240v, 480v input and 380v or 400 volt outputs
3 phase in either 60Hz or 50Hz
Nema1 Enclosure
KVA AMPS @ 208V AMPS @ 240V AMPS @480V AMPS @380V AMPS @400V 60HZ 50HZ
3 8.3 7.2 3.6 4.6 4.3 MT3HGB6-20 MT3HGB6-20-EUR
6 16.6 14.4 7.2 9.2 8.7 MT6HGB6-20 MT6HGB6-20-EUR
10 28.0 24.0 12.0 15.2 14.5 MT10HGB6-20 MT10HGB6-20-EUR
15 41.6 36.1 18.1 22.8 21.7 MT15HGB6-20 MT15HGB6-20-EUR
30 83.3 72.3 36.1 45.6 43.6 MT30HGB6-20 MT30HGB6-20-EUR
45 125.0 108.0 54.0 68.5 65.0 MT45HGB6-20 MT45HGB6-20-EUR
50 139.0 120.4 60.2 76.0 72.3 MT50HGB6-20 MT50HGB6-20-EUR
75 208.0 181.0 90.5 114.0 108.4 MT75HGB6-20 MT75HGB6-20-EUR
112.5 312.0 272.0 136.0 171.1 162.6 MT112.5HGB6-20 MT112.5HGB6-20-EUR
150 416.0 360.0 180.0 228.2 216.8 MT150HGB6-20 MT150HGB6-20-EUR
Marcus Supreme ? MHE - Marcus Supreme ? High Efficiency
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BRINKMANN 泵 SAL402/620+001 3PH 50HZ 查询现货
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BROCHOT 罩子 VL163204 查询现货
BRODERSEN 继电器 XM-S1 查询现货
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BROWNING 制动器 TGC200 查询现货
BROYCE CONTROL 继电器 45150 220V 查询现货
BROYCE CONTROL 继电器 45175 220vac 查询现货
BROYCE CONTROL 继电器 M3PRT/2-W 161-300VAC 查询现货
BRUSH 低速检测器 S963150501 查询现货
BST 红外传感器 IR2011/40 查询现货
BST 超声波传感器 US 2010/70 查询现货
BST 灯泡 Lamp 531/3 for R 42 D 12 and R 42 D 16 查询现货
BST 纠偏控制器 EKR500 查询现货
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BTI 安全开关 AWAX26XXL 查询现货
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BTI 安全继电器 AWAX28XXL 查询现货
BTI 安全开关 OPTO2S 查询现货
BTI 安全开关 AMX5C/M12 查询现货
BTI 安全开关 AMX3 查询现货
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BUEHLER 传感器 TF-E-G1/2-VA-M3-PT100-2L/200 查询现货
BUEHLER 传感器 TF-M-PT100-VAL-M3/60 查询现货
BUHLER 过滤器 46222303 查询现货
BUHLER 温度传感器 NT 63-KN4-MS-M3 /370 查询现货
BUHLER 温度传感器 NT 63-KN4-MS-M3 /500 查询现货
BURGESS 叶轮 10147 查询现货
BURGESS 联轴器 10160 查询现货